Future University


 Future University in Egypt (FUE) affirms a commitment to “an atmosphere that values intellectual curiosity and the pursuit of knowledge while preserving academic freedom and integrity”. FUE is thus committed to creating environments where freedom of inquiry occurs in a climate of inclusiveness and civility. Central to this commitment is the principle of treating each member of the University community fairly and with respect. To encourage such behavior, FUE prohibits discrimination, disrespect, and harassment and provides equal opportunities for all community members regardless of their race, color, religion, ethnic origin, ancestry, medical condition, marital status, gender, or age.

 Academic services spend (weight 0.5) – the expenditure per student on all academic services (data source: Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA)); "Degree completion" (weight 1.0) – a measure of the completion rate of students (data source: HESA); "Entry standards" (weight 1.0) – the average UCAS tariff score of new students under the age of 21 (data source: HESA); "Facilities spend" (weight 0.5) – the expenditure per student on staff and student facilities (data source: HESA); "Good honours" (weight 1.0) – the proportion of firsts and upper seconds (data source: HESA);(now phased out) "Graduate prospects" (weight 1.0) – a measure of the employability of graduates (data source: HESA); "Research quality" (weight 1.0) – a measure of the average quality of research (data source: 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF)); Research intensity" (weight 0.5) – a measure of the fraction of staff who are research-active (data sources: HESA & REF); "Student satisfaction" (weight 1.5) – a measure of the view of students on the teaching quality (data source: the National Student Survey); and "Student–staff ratio" (weight 1.0) – a measure of the average staffing level (data source: HESA). The most recent league table (2023) ranked the top 50 (out of 130) British universities as follows:[10]

  The Times/The Sunday Times university league table, known as the Good University Guide,[14] is published in both electronic and print format and ranks institutions using the following eight criteria:[15]

 Student satisfaction (+50 to −55 points) – the results of national student surveys are scored taking a theoretical minimum and maximum score of 50% and 90% respectively (data source: the National Student Survey);

 Teaching excellence (250) – defined as: subjects scoring at least 22/24 points, those ranked excellent, or those undertaken more recently in which there is confidence in academic standards and in which teaching and learning, student progression and learning resources have all been ranked commendable (data source: Quality Assurance Agency; Scottish Higher Education Funding Council; Higher Education Funding Council for Wales);

 Heads'/peer assessments (100) – school heads are asked to identify the highest-quality undergraduate provision (data source: The Sunday Times heads' survey and peer assessment);

 Research quality (200) – based upon the most recent Research Assessment Exercise (data source: Higher Education Funding Council for England (Hefce));

 A-level/Higher points (250) – nationally audited data for the subsequent academic year are used for league table calculations (data source: HESA);

 Unemployment (100) – the number of students assume to be unemployed six months after graduation is calculated as a percentage of the total number of known desbefore completing their courses is compared with the number expected to do so (the benchmark figure shown in brackets) (data source: Hefce, Performance Indicators in Higher Education).

 The following universities rank in the top 10 in at least one of the most recent national rankings (the three discussed above: the Complete, Guardian and Times/Sunday Times). The table is ordered according to the Times Higher Education Table of Tables (2022), based on average rank in the tables for that year.[3] The last column gives the number of league tables (not including the Table of Tables) which include that university in their top ten.

 It has been commented by The Sunday Times that a number of universities which regularly feature in the top ten of British university league tables, such as St Andrews, Durham and LSE (in the case of LSE 3rd to 13th nationally whilst only 327th in the U.S. News & World Report Rankings / 35th in the QS Rankings / 23rd in the THE Rankings), "inhabit surprisingly low ranks in the worldwide tables", whilst other universities such as Manchester, Edinburgh and KCL "that failed to do well in the domestic rankings have shone much brighter on the international stage".[17] The considerable disparity in rankings has been attributed to the different methodology and purpose of global university rankings such as the Academic Ranking of World Universities, QS World University Rankings and Times Higher Education World University Rankings. International university rankings primarily use criteria such as academic and employer surveys, the number of citations per faculty, the proportion of international staff and students and faculty and alumni prize winners.[18][19][20] When size is taken into account, LSE ranks second in the world out of all small to medium-sized specialist institutions (after ENS Paris) and St Andrews ranks second in the world out of all small to medium-sized fully comprehensive universities (after Brown University) using metrics from the QS Intelligence Unit in 2015.[21] The national rankings, on the other hand, give most weighting to the undergraduate student experience, taking account of teaching quality and learning resources, together with the quality of a university's intake, employment prospects, research quality and drop-out rates.[1][22]

 The disparity between national and international league tables has caused some institutions to offer public explanations for the difference. LSE for example states on its website that 'we remain concerned that all of the global rankings – by some way the most important for us, given our highly international orientation – suffer from inbuilt biases in favour of large multi-faculty universities with full STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) offerings, and against small, specialist, mainly non-STEM universities such as LSE.'[23]

 Research by the UK's Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) in 2016 found that global rankings fundamentally measure research performance, with research-related measures accounting for over 85 percent of the weighting for both the Times Higher Education and QS rankings and 100 percent of the weighting for the ARWU ranking. HEPI also found that ARWU made no correction for the size of an institution. There were also concerns about the data quality and the reliability of reputation surveys. National rankings, while said to be "of varying validity", have more robust data and are "more highly regarded than international rankings".[24]

 There has been criticism of attempts to combine different rankings on for example research quality, quality of teaching, drop out rates and student satisfaction. Sir Alan Wilson, former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Leeds argues that the final average has little significance and is like trying to "combine apples and oranges".[25] He also criticised the varying weights given to different factors, the need for universities to "chase" the rankings, the often fluctuating nature of a university's ranking, and the catch-22 that the government's desire to increase access can have negative effects on league table rankings.[25] Further worries have been expressed regarding marketing strategies and propaganda used to chase tables undermining Universities values.[26]

 The Guardian suggests that league tables may affect the nature of undergraduate admissions in an attempt to improve a university's league table position.[27]

 Roger Brown, the former Vice-Chancellor of Southampton Solent University, highlights perceived limitations in comparative data between Universities.[28]

 Writing in The Guardian, Professor Geoffrey Alderman makes the point that including the percentage of 'good honours' can encourage grade inflation so that league table position can be maintained.[29]

 The rankings are also criticised for not giving a full picture of higher education in the United Kingdom. There are institutions which focus on research and enjoy a prestigious reputation but are not shown in the table for various reasons. For example, the Institute of Education, University of London (now part of UCL), was not usually listed in the undergraduate rankings despite the fact that it offered an undergraduate BEd and was generally recognised as one of the best institutions offering teacher training and Education studies (for example, being given joint first place, alongside Oxford University, in the 2008 Research Assessment 'Education' subject rankings, according to both Times Higher Education and The Guardian).[30][31]

جامعة المستقبل

 League tables, which usually focus on the full-time undergraduate student experience, commonly omit reference to Birkbeck, University of London, and the Open University, both of which specialise in teaching part-time students. These universities, however, often make a strong showing in specialist league tables looking at research, teaching quality, and student satisfaction. In the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise, according to the Times Higher Education, Birkbeck was placed equal 33rd, and the Open University 43rd, out of 132 institutions.[32] The 2009 student satisfaction survey placed the Open University 3rd and Birkbeck 13th out of 153 universities and higher education institutions (1st and 6th, respectively, among multi-faculty universities).[33] In 2018, Birkbeck announced that it will withdraw from UK university rankings because their methodologies unfairly penalise it, since "despite having highly-rated teaching and research, other factors caused by its unique teaching model and unrelated to its performance push it significantly down the ratings".[34]

 The Complete University Guide has been publishing university and related league tables online since 2007 and has a wealth of experience of working in and with the higher and further education sectors. CUG regularly consults universities to ensure that information in the guide is accurate and up to date, and works closely with HESA and other relevant agencies. At the heart of all CUG does is the aim of offering free to access, independent, accurate and trusted advice to help students, parents and advisors make an informed decision about their education.

 The Guardian Good University Guide is an established league table that assesses universities based on a number of important criteria, including student satisfaction and graduate employment prospects. It provides rankings for UK universities and is one of the most comprehensive overviews of higher education in Britain.

 Professor Graham Galbraith, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Portsmouth, said: “I am extremely pleased to see us rise once again in a significant nationally recognised and important league table.

 “Today’s ranking and other recent performance assessments demonstrate progress towards our long-term ambition to be the top modern UK university and in the top 100 young universities in the world by the end of the decade.”

 Today’s ranking and other recent performance assessments demonstrate progress towards our long-term ambition to be the top modern UK university and in the top 100 young universities in the world by the end of the decade.

 This improvement in Guardian University Guide follows excellent outcomes in a number of other recent nationally and internationally recognised rankings:

 Rising 50 places for student satisfaction in The Times and The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2023, which contributed heavily to the University’s 26-place rise to 62nd in the overall table.

 Impressive Research Excellence Framework (REF) outcomes where Portsmouth was ranked third of all modern UK universities for research power in the Times Higher Education REF rankings.

 Portsmouth was ranked in the top 40 of all universities in England for full-time student satisfaction in the National Student Survey.

 The Graduate Outcomes survey showed an improvement in graduate employment with 94 per cent of Portsmouth graduates in work and/or further study 15 months after they graduated compared to 89 per cent last year.

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